The Sales Process Developing a clearly defined sales process is the key component to successful sales in your business. If you were to hire a salesperson, could you show them your sales process? How successful would they be in implementing your best practices and ramping up their sales numbers in…
How to Classify Your Customers
Classify Your Customers Isn’t it true that not all customers are good customers? We all know who our best customers are, they show up on time, they pay their bills and they communicate openly and honestly about what is going on. I coach clients to identify their best customers in as…
Increase your “Average dollar sales”
What is the average dollar sale or the money that each of your customers spend with you every time they buy? Is it $5, $50, $500, … $ 5000 … $50,000 … more? It really depends on the nature of your business and what they are buying. I always ask…
Increase Sales Revenue through improved conversion rates.
How to Increase Sales Revenue One of the fastest ways to Increase Sales Revenue is to double your conversion rate. Most business owners and salespeople talk about needing more customers, but that is the result of the number of leads that you actually convert to customers. When we work with…
Accountability – How to Improve your businesses performance
Accountability is the means by which a business gets a grip on results. Why? It closes the gap between intention and action. Most people have great intentions of what and how they would like to perform in business, but often don’t take the actions necessary to get the results they…