Last week our Lighthouse Clients attended our 90 day planning day and were able to create a yearly Marketing Calendar for their businesses. Not only did they create how they were going to market, they honed their ideal target market as well as the message they wanted to take to…
Owning a Job to Owning a Business…it’s a Journey. Part 1
Many people begin their own business because they have worked for someone else, know their trade well and think they can run their own business better. Or that it is an answer to an independent life and the beginning of a better lifestyle. We search for a franchise, or capitalize…
Training Systems
Valerie Glynn, March 4, 2014 I know people who have been hired, then thrown into the job much like being tossed into the pool to learn to swim. I also know of people who have had the opportunity to be hired and trained in one of the larger, more sophisticated…
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Author, Kevin Glynn When considering my perfect client the other day I realized that there was something missing on my list as I evaluated the people I work with. I normally look at the size of business, number of employees, if they have children, what kind of house they…
The Power of Focus
In Sean Covey’s book the 4 Disciplines of Execution, he sites Apple as a company that had great ideas, but instead of running after all the great ideas, focused on making one great phone. That focus was their great strength. What in your business could you focus on to make…