Business Health Check Why Should I Consider a Business Coach? Try this short quiz that we call a Business Health Check to give you an idea of the vitality of your business. Please read the statements below. Check either "Agree" or "Disagree" with those that apply to you and/or your business.1. If I was not here, the place would fall apart within a month. AgreeDisagree2. I want to spend more time with my family or on other interests. AgreeDisagree3. The joy of owning a business is being replaced by the stress of running a business. AgreeDisagree4. I am working far too hard in my business instead of on my business. AgreeDisagreeWe are not as focused on our customers as we need to be. AgreeDisagree6. I have not taken more than a week's vacation at a time in the last 2 years. AgreeDisagree7. I want to improve the focus and direction of where the business is heading. AgreeDisagree8. Profitability is not where it should be. AgreeDisagree9. I am doing tasks that I do not like or am not very good at. AgreeDisagree10. We need to find a way to better motivate the staff. AgreeDisagree11. Given the effort I am putting in, my net income is not high enough. AgreeDisagree12. I can't seem to attract - or keep - the right staff. AgreeDisagree13. I am working more than 55 hours a week, but want to work much less. AgreeDisagree14. I am accountable to no one for the development of my business and procrastinate at times. AgreeDisagree15. There is more chaos in this company than the employees or I want. AgreeDisagree16. I don't feel "free" and yet that is where I want to be. AgreeDisagree17. I have ideas for new business that I just can't seem to make time for. AgreeDisagree18. I want to delegate more so I can have the time to discover more opportunities. AgreeDisagree19. It would be valuable to develop and implement a 12-18 month growth plan for my business. AgreeDisagree20. I would benefit from an outside perspective and an occasional nudge. AgreeDisagree If you checked 5 "Agrees" or more, WE NEED TO TALK! I invite you to call me NOW to have a short chat around coffee or, if you prefer, meet for a one hour free consultation. Kevin Glynn, MBA and Certified Business and Executive Coach. Call 508-735-6709 or email [email protected] VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: